Marry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a nice holiday! For me, I'm in my home-town for vacation, havin fun with family and relatives! For my work, I haven't got anything, no ideas, but I'll accept any collabs.
Right now you might just be home on your PC reading this, bored, so, heres a somethin that happened to us at our hotel!
We were coming back to our hotel from the Christmas eve party on Christmas eve, it was about 1am. So we settled in and went to sleep. Then my mom woke me and brother up shouting "Quick! get your coats and go outside! Quick!" scarely. I noticed it was still dark out so I was suspicious. As soon as I got my coat I went outside our room and looked what was up. A lady escorted by the reception guy, the fire alarm on, and, then, I saw a big thick waterfall of water falling from the roof at the end of the corridor, there was goin to be a flood as the water came near me and our room, so, I sarted going down the stairs cause the elevator was in water. My brother and my parents came outside is well, leading us to the car. In the car I looked at the time, it was 2am. At the moment, we had half our stuff, planing to go to my grand mother's to sleep cause it was right by, and scared to death, well, only me and my brother. The firefighters were there, with a big firetruck. So in the end , we slept at my grand mother's house, and right now, I'm in the same hotel writing this.
Seasons Greetings everyone!